What is a Medical Concierge?

What is a

Our health is the most precious and important thing we have, and we know that moving to another city or country can make taking care of it a bit more complicated for various reasons, such as language or the organization of the healthcare system in your new place of residence.

A Medical Concierge, is a care model in which patients pay an annual or monthly fee, to receive different types of benefits and more personalized medical attention, reliable and affordable.

That’s why Healthitinerary was born, and like a hotel concierge, our goal is making your health life asier, breaking down language barriers, taking away all kind of worries and offering a personalized and effective service.

With a Healthitinerary membership, you will have the following benefits:

· Coordination of all your medical appointments or treatments.

· Unlimited consultations with a general doctor.*

· Registration in our Health Record.

· Medical Companion, Translator Service and Transport Service for Scheduled Appointments.*

· Emergency line assistance 24/7.

· Evaluation and free dental cleaning once a year.

· Free direction and support for your communication with your private health insurance company.

· Discounts on laboratory studies, imaging, hospitals, medical equipment, and more.

We mainly care about you, we know that our members need empathy, compassion and someone who is there when they need it, resolving all their questions and concerns so that they can have a full and happy life.

Leave your health in our hands. For more information visit our website. www.healthitinerary.mx

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